Laila and Kai Zainy are the twin babies of Jolene and Heider. Jolene is truly one of the kindest people on earth and Heider can crack anyone up! Honestly, just a fantastic family. Jolene asked me to photograph the twins in early November (yes, I'm still playing blog catch up), when they were about six months old to get some photos for Christmas cards. I happily obliged her.
Laila and Kai are really just adorable. It was still nice weather out, even though it was November 9th, so we took a few outside first.

For some reason, Kai just loved the taste of his mittens.

Laila just played as cute as a button.

We then headed inside to take a few of the twins.

A couple of Kai - I can tell he is going to be devilishly handsome as he grows up, just like his Dad.

And a couple of Laila - who I know will be beautiful just like her Mom. I bet she is breaking hearts already with that smile.

Last, one photo of the family.

Thanks again Zainy family for having me spend the afternoon with all of you!