At the end of February I had the opportunity to visit my best friend since high school, Marie, her husband Mark and their daughter Isabella. I flew out to Washington D.C. to visit as Isabella was turning one! I can't believe it has already been a year since she was born - where has the time really gone? I have known Marie for over half of our lives now, and Isabella feels like my niece, not just a friend's baby. Even though we live half way across the country from each other, through some finagling I had the opportunities to also do Isabella's newborn and six month portraits. After doing both of those, it only seemed right that I finish the series so I flew out for a weekend of photographs and birthday celebrations.
We had to capture Isabella's first cake experience:

She actually seemed to have more fun trying to eat it with her feet:

During the weekend we took a stroll through downtown Old Town Alexandria to capture some family photographs as well. I loved the cobblestone streets with their interesting texture:

The brick in the area provided great backdrops for my beautiful friends as well.

We even got Mark in some of these photos - he had managed to escape me in the past two sessions.

Last, we took a couple of just Marie and Mark in this neat little corridor. What a darn good looking couple!

Marie and Mark, thank you again for having me out for the weekend. It is always such a treat to visit you. I can't wait to see you again!