We used to insist that when Bear, our previous cat, passed away that we would never get another one. Bear was far more destructive to the house over her life than the dogs have ever been, and I was happy to not have to deal with a litter box. However, once she was gone we realized we really missed having a cat around. No one will ever replace Bear in our hearts - she was just that awesome of a cat - but the house seemed empty with no cat to sit on our laps and cuddle with us when we slept. After mulling it over, we finally decided to head to the Boulder Humane Society at least to check out the kitten they had. We sat with about 6 or 7 cats that we thought we were interested in, but none of them were "the one." We had no particular breed we were looking for, and no gender. Our pretty much sole prerequisite was that they had to love people, as we wanted a cat that wanted to be around us. We had pretty much given up and had one more room to stop in - the room with a couple cats that were getting over upper respiratory infections. A brown tabby ran right up to Joe and starting purring. Joe picked him up and you could see that was it, that was the one he wanted. But, there was also a small black one was buzzing around the room, running from place to place and playing with toys and the other cats. I picked him up as he went past and he immediately snuggled up to me and didn't want me to put him down. Now we each wanted a different cat.....we decided to think about it overnight.
We really didn't need two cats, heck, we didn't really need one cat.
Yet the next evening I found myself picking up both cats to take home. We are such suckers for animals!!
We brought them home on November 6th, and these are pictures of them from soon after. Barrett is the brown one - he is already about 9 or 10 months old. We almost named him Sniper because he loves to sneak around and find the high ground to watch us from.
Anderson is the small black one, named after one of my favorite UFC fighters, Anderson Silva. He is only about 3-4 months old and I think he will grow up to be a long and lanky, like Silva. He is still getting over his respitory infection in this pictures, but he is much healthier now!
I finally got one picture of the two of them together.
When we first brought them home they both really wanted their own space so putting them next to each other just caused trouble, but now they will snuggle with each other, and with the dogs. They also like to chase Edison's tail around, which Edison doesn't seem to mind. The house is finally a bit more complete again!
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